Score report information
  • Issued to
    Angenot Alexandre
  • Issued by
    ETS Global BV
  • Issuer verified by
    Blockchain Certified Data
  • Data registered on the blockchain
    On 2023-10-27
  • The displayed information on this page reflects the information from the ETS Global data base.
    ETS Global applies strict security measures to assure the fairness and validity of its assessments across its testing network, but should you have concerns about the validity of the information displayed on this page or if you need a secondary level of score verification please send the link of this score report to
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Welcome to the TOEIC® Digital score page.
On this page, you can find the TOEIC® digital score report. This official document states the candidate’s personal information and score. A PDF version of this document can be downloaded and shared with score users. It includes a QR code confirming the candidate’s identity and the score validity.
TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test
Cherdan Matthieu
Date of birth: 01 Jan 2000
Test date
23 Oct 2023
Test centre
ETS Global PARIS France, Metropolitan
Valid until
23 Oct 2025
475 / 495
355 / 495
+ Total score
830 / 990

This digital score report is valid for 2 years and recognised in the country of the Client/Institution. After this period of time, ETS Global cannot guarantee English language proficiency of the test taker.